thank you, im sorry for your loss as well, i was hoping mine would live that long but apparently females dont live as long, about 10 to 15 at max, and the vet told me that 10 is still fairy old for a leopard gecko, so she had a long life, taken care of and loved.
10 years ago, i introduced you guys to Dragon, i remember i made a post somewhere else about her but i cant find it
but today, i had to say goodbye to my long time friend, she passed away in her tank and i found her this morning
i wont go into details. It hurts, but i had her for basically 10...
Hi ^^ my name is Lorie and this is dragon x3
thats the most up to date picture of him i have it was taken about a week ago, i'll be taking more after his shed thats happening today ^^
i met dragon february 5th 2015
he was so tiny! ^.^
just one pic of him when i first brough him home
as of...