I'm aware of the normal timing and triggers for brumation. That was speculative. Keep in mind what I wrote: during the year and a half I've hosted this creature and, particularly, the past nine months in which the gecko has been in its current enclosure, the heating regime has been the same and...
Good evening,
I have an adult Leopard Gecko that has abruptly changed its behavior. Up until yesterday, it consistently maintained itself at the warmer end of its tank (set at 87 degrees F.). Yesterday, it went to the extreme cooler end of the tank, and hasn't left that end up to now. It isn't...
Lower nutritional value, but I considered them as a possible supplement. I tried them, but the lizard won't take them. It will take waxworms and soldierfly larvae, and I use these as supplements.
Thank you for your responses. In over 50 years of keeping herps, the pros and cons of frozen vs live foods have always been a topic of lively discussion. Whichever choice you make, the food source should be as nutritionally sound and free of pathogens and parasites as...
I adopted a sub-adult Leo a couple of months ago. When I first got it, it fed regularly every day when I switched on a dim LED light, before turning on the basking/uv lamp. I had been accustoming the gecko to eat from a small dish in a set location. A few of weeks ago, it stopped feeding in the...