My Stan is not eating again he has list more weight when he does eat he poops fine and he just finished a shed. He just looks so skinny compared to when I got him. Last time he are was 3 days ago and that was 1 cricket. The time before that was 7 days ago and he are 6 crickets. Should I try...
A while back I got some help on here about my two leopards. Hopefully I can get some more expert advice on them again. They were housed together when I got them and when the younger one grew up the older one began refusing to eat and losing weight. I built them separate enclosures and that...
I know this has been gone over a million times. Now I have my leopards on a mixture of potting soil and sand 3-1 there was some moss in there too but I found it dried up to quick and got stuck in their toes and such. So I'm trying to decide between tile and reptile grass. No sand no dirt...
One of my leopards has lost 4 gm in 2 weeks I haven't seen him eating in a couple weeks but I see the other one eating all the time. Their temperature is fine and he is active and bright eyes. What else could prevent him from eating?
If anyone can tell me what morph he is I would appreciate it. I think they told me but I don't remember. I am sure he is nothing special but I think he is very cute.
I put together what I think is a really great home for my 2 leopards. They both seem to be doing really well although one hides all the time the other one is out and about a lot. The environment seems to be so ecologically sound that the crickets have begun breeding right in the tank. At...
I just got two leopards from a small private pet store. The owner said the larger one was a male and about 2 years old and the smaller one was less than a year and she could not determine the sex. She said they had been together for months and they are always friendly with each other. I...
I came home today and my juvenile leopard looks pale he seems fine just looks really dull and pale. Can he be getting ready to shed? I got him about 21/2 weeks ago and he was just finishing a shed then. How often do they shed?