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  • C
    Dear Brent,

    I am thinking about Changing my channel no one seems to like me everyone likes my uncle better. :(
    internet sucks if i go away like that just wait a few seconds
    Jim, You are looking at $58 in shipping. Tell you what. I have a normal Male het Trempor Albino that I am needing to get rid of. I will sell both of them to you for $60 plus shipping. the Mack snow babie I will not know what it it since I incubated them for both. If you want to do this I will take $20 down and then $40 right before I ship. Let me know. By the way the normal male was born back in May of 2010 and is around 65g right now. thanks

    Yeah but what was the price again
    saw your post on the supers, not sure what part of texas your in, but I sell supers locally if your interested.

    Unique Breeds
    Yay a fellow Aggie (ok so I'm not an Aggie, I'm an Aggie supporter) My dad's an Aggie and president of the Maryland TX Aggie alumni club! GO AGGIES! :)
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