Hello, In my search for isopods, a guy at a pet store said I could let meal worms grow to beetles and those beetles could be part of the clean up crew. I did do some research and it seemed like people agreed with this. This sounded like a great idea until I saw one climbing around my crested...
Hi, i recently got a leopard gecko and have been properly supplementing him but i was wondering if i should gut load his food. So i thought about it and have decided i want to, but i dont know what fruits or vegetables to gut load them with. Please help
so ive had my leo for just over a week now. she was on a strictly mealworm diet and was eating mealworms all up until today. i fed her a cricket last feeding and she wiggled her tail in excitement and then stopped with mealworms. i had one last cricket left and thats all she would eat and turns...