morph id

  1. jupijupijupi

    Morph inquiry!

    Hey everybody! I’ve been told I have a albino super hypo carrot tail ? Or super hypo carrot tail lol. I’ve been planning to breed my female soon and was just wondering the general rarity of her morph! Thank you Cute gecko pic down below ⬇️
  2. G

    Morph Help

    Hello, I'm wondering if my gecko is a snow blizzard eclipse or snow Diablo Blanco. Please help. 1 eye is partial eclipse
  3. I

    Does anyone know what morph she could be?

  4. A

    What type of Leopard Gecko is this?

    I’m looking to figure out what type of morph this gecko is. I know it’s a leopard gecko. Believe it’s a marble hypo morph or super hypo. Can any1 help me figure out what type of this morph is? I can provide more photos if needed Photos don’t seem to be super high quality of the actual photo...
  5. I

    Just rescued this leo, i was just wondering what morph he is?

    He does have some stuck shed and he is thin, but he ate like a beast and is now chillin with some moisture for his toes until i find a bin good for soaking. I love his stripes and dots pattern. Especially the little ! on his back. Im really curious what this morph is?
  6. J

    Morph question.... Hypo... Anything else?

    Hello! I have this sweet boy that I rescued a couple years back, and he's doing great now. But since he was a rescue, I don't really know his genes and whatnot. I know that he's a hypo, since he only has one spot on his body, but someone asked me recently if he was a hypo mack snow and I...
  7. J

    First Leopard Gecko

    Hello, I am a first time leopard gecko owner. The feisty ittle guy in the picture, Django, is still adjusting to his new home so I am giving him his space to adjust, fighting thr urge to handle him because he is so cute. I am not sure what kind of morph he is, so any help with that would be great!