
  1. Futureboundexe

    Quarantined away from my Leo, will we lose our newly formed bond?

    So ive contracted covid whilst at my boyfriends house so im stuck quarantined over at his house away from my juvenile gecko, my uncle back home is caring for him, but is too nervous to hand feed him. I had JUST gained the Gecko’s trust (via hand feeding) enough for him to walk up to my hand and...
  2. contracteryin

    New Leopard Gecko

    I'm going to be getting one pretty soon [already have one] and I know I need to quarantine them and all, but for how long? I've seen most people say 30-60 days or so, but just to check in I want to know your guys opinions. I currently have a female, and the the other one, I'm not 100% sure yet.