Hi everyone! My name is John. I own two crested geckos. I didn’t get them at the same time though. My first gecko, Elliott came abt a year before my second, Noumea. Elliott was my first gecko so there was definitely some trial and error But once I determined he was a boy I decided a female...
Hi guys so for just some background info, I rehomed this Male gecko but I am afraid he is sick. The man who gave them away had two male geckos in one tank, the other tailless but seems in better condition than this one. I tried doing resesrch & from what Im reading these spots might be a sign of...
This seems like a lot, I know, but I'm in a really strange position and my vet isn't being very helpful.
I have a three year old crested gecko that I adopted from a breeder that was finished using him to spawn. I've had him since September, so 6 months.
His illness: (you can skip this, it's...
I just adopted a juvenile leopard gecko from PetsSmart. We picked him (I think a boy) because he was the most active in the tank. He let me hold him at first and seemed okay and the suddenly freaked so I put him in his new home.. I’ve owned one before so I know he has a proper full set up.
I just got my baby leopard gecko three days ago, and of course, I've already held him while putting him in his cage and because I wanted to check him out. He's not really that jumpy, he lays down in my had and stays there, looking around at things and even licking my fingers sometimes. Is it...
I just got my baby leopard gecko three days ago, and of course, I've already held him while putting him in his cage and because I wanted to check him out. He's not really that jumpy, he lays down in my had and stays there, looking around at things and even licking my fingers sometimes. Is it...