My leopard gecko's UVB light recently broke, and I've been struggling to find her a new one.
I've read that leos should have at least 75 to 100 watts, but I can't find a good bulb of that wattage, like... Anywhere.
Would it be okay if I bought her a light of a lower wattage and continued...
So, plotting a number of terrariums as I mentioned in another post and was wondering if others have used dimmable thermostats like the Habistat ones or the Exo Terra ones or well any other and how those were working out?
Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.
Homemade breeding rack that holds 20 16qt containers- I only have 17 containers
There is 8 shelves but the first row is for storage and the other 7 are lined with heat tape
Vivarium Electronics VE-100 thermostat
Farm Innovators egg incubator
I also have a few miscellaneous things...
I have a new Herpstat 1 and 50 feet of heat rope, only used for a few months. Looking for $200 for everything. Located in Ontario Canada however I can ship items at owners expense.
This is perfect for rack heating, has and day and night time temp settings and several other great features....