100 Larger-Sized Medium Blaptica Dubia $39.99 - FREE SHIPPING!


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These are larger mediums and include many that are near-adult size. A perfect way to start off your colony as when these become adults they will be young adults that will live longer, producing more offspring than buying full grown adults that might be close to the end of their life cycle. 20% over count and heat-pack included in shipping!

To order:

Blaptica Dubia Roaches are excellent feeders for your reptile. They can completely replace crickets for Bearded Dragons, Chameleons, Geckos, Monitors and many more.

- Soft-bodied and meaty, a far better alternative to crickets
- Easy to determine gender as males have wings and females do not
- Slow moving, they do not fly and cannot climb smooth surfaces
- These feeders can be kept in plastic Tupperware bins
- Low maintenance and easy to handle
- Virtually no odor and very quiet
- Prolific

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