14 geckos, best pairings...


New Member
Summerland, BC

I'm a newbie to the gecko breeding, i done a LOT of research and have the whole set up with a breeding rack. I have 14 geckos all waiting to be paired up. Most of them i have figured out but i want to make sure im doing the best, with what ive got!!
F= Female M=Male

F Giant Nova X M Giant Super Snow
F Giant Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR X M Giant Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR
F Giant Blood SHTCT 100% Het RAPTOR X M Giant Super Snow
F Eclipse X M Giant Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR
F Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR X M Blizzard
F Emerine Snow 100% het RAPTOR X M Giant Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR
F Sunglow X M Sunglow
F High Yellow X M Phantom
F HTCT X M Phantom

Out of all the females i have is the Blizzard Best paired with the Snow het Raptor?? I'm looking to get dreamsickles and creamsicles... and some pretty snows and raptors. Let me know your thoughts! Everything will be thought about. I will be pairing May 17th.


Ridgewood, NJ
I know you said you did your research. I think the best pairings are ones with a goal in mind and ones you are totally in love with. Not sure I can help with either of those :)

Just from my own experience with my first breeding season this year, I've been amazed (and a bit overwhelmed!!) that my first year females are producing 10+ eggs each. Even though I thought I was prepared, I'm very glad I started breeding only one 1.3 group to make sure I had everything set up properly and had enough space and supplies to incubate eggs and keep hatchlings before launching into pairing them all.

Best of luck and can't wait to see your babies!


New Member
Summerland, BC
Love the Name DrCarrotTail! Thank-you for the advice!! I have a whole breeding rack set up only for babies! My incubator is ready and cooking 4 eggs as we speak.. they were from some rescued gravid girls. My site is www.thegeckogallery.com I'm not going to pair up all of the girls right away as i don't want to get over whelmed either... i could get 18+ eggs all at once, that could be bad! I have a couple of my females who are not heavy enough to breed either so i'll be waiting on their weights before pairing them up as well. Just want to get my "geckos" in a row first before getting in too deep! Each one of my geckos have their own tub so they have lots of room and i can control how many i breed and who with... so it should be good! I just ordered some egg organizers so my incubator can now fit 90 eggs. :) I have Stores and customers lined up and waiting her in Canada! But i'm only about the health and happiness of the animals, i bought them and they all deserve the best!!

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