2 Adult And 3 Juvi. Crested Ceckos



i have a lot of 5 crested geckos for sale. 2 adults that are a proven pair that are both darker in color showing a couple dalmation spots and really light tails. the younger 3 really make up for the color in this group they are super bright! the largest is an extream tiger harley that is stunning and make an awesome breeder along with the smaller ones that are a chocolate harley and regular harley both with a few spots as well. All are unrelated so will make wonderful breeding group. I am asking 400 for the group which will include overnight shipping to anywhere in the US. heat and cool packs will be used if need. might split up group but perfer to sell as a lot. accept pay pal, cash, money order.

for more info or to purchase please email at dgene07@live.com
thanks dahlton

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