2 new baby fatties, got a few questions... with pictures


New Member
Hamilton, Ontario
Hello, Yesterday I purchased 2 new baby AFT's from my local reptile store. They are roughly 2 months old and roughly 4 inches from the tips of thier heads to the tips of thier tales and they are almost exactly the same size.

I already have a 2.5 year old male AFT and i have purchased these young AFT's in hopes of later putting them into the same viv and possibly having them mate. The person at the reptile store personally hatched and raised the AFT's i bought and said that they were incubated at 81 degrees and assumed that they would be female as 35 of the last 40 that he hatched at these temps turned out to be female. Obviusly it is still too early to tell thier sex though.

The questions i have are, how old do the babies have to be before i can tell thier sex, and at what rate roughly should they be growing?

How old/big should the babies be before i introduce them to the older male i have (if they both turn out to be female)?

What precautions should i take when introducing the geckos?

What extra maintenance/work/actions will be required to ensure the health of the gecko's once they start mating and laying eggs.







fat tails are pretty much the same as leos for the care needs other then needing a more humid environment. it honestly depends on how good you are at sexing as for when you can sex.its not like cresties that are around the 8months mark,its like leos really so it depends on the person.

i myself dont introduce any gecko to another without having a min weight of 55g.that way you know if they stop eating during laying you have some fat stores to help you out a bit.far to many people put animals together to young or too soon and end up with problems futher along the line.also fat tails usually i say about 1 1/2 years before they should be introduced to the oppersite sex.they grow slower the leos i have found and are slower in every way or so i have found with mine.i dont know if anyone else has found this at all?

i do the classic meet on nuteral grounds-not in anyones viv in pertic that way you dont get fights over whos entered whos viv.just watch for classic tail waving and squabbles an if any occur take them out and try on another day.the most important thing to remember is dont rush it just because they dont get on first time.

once you have introduced you need to make sure that your females are getting plenty of vits an mins and also lots of calcium.im sure you already know the importance of calcium for geckos but its more so for breeding females as they put everything into making eggs and it can really take it out of them.make sure you offer all the food they can eat also.its best to have a fat gecko then a thin one whos gravid.other then that just try not let the male bully the female to much when she has mated,if he does then consider removing him as he will do like any animal trying to pass on his genes.


New Member
Hamilton, Ontario
thanks nuttyaboutgeckos that helped me out alot. Im sure i will have many more questions later on as the gecko's mature and i get ready to introduce them...

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