$20 scratch and dents :)


great geckos!
Helena, Montana
I have some '09 juvies for sale, for $20 each!!........they're all eating well, most just have regenerated tails or in some cases, a few stubby toes from bad sheds.

Please email me at [email protected] for pictures and a complete list of all I have.........I have SHTs, SHTCTB, blizzards, raptors/eclipses (most have snake eyes, some have full) and a number of others :)

Shipping usually runs around $35-40, include zip code for quote :)

Here's a list and weights of what I have:

0.5 raptors (21g, 20g, 31g, 25g, 15g)
0.2 blizzards (27g and 22g)
0.6 albinos, one is jungle (30g, 33g, 15g, 20g, 20g, 22g)
0.2 SHTCTB (24g and 22g)
0.1 HT (27g)
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