2012 Hatchling Photo Updates First Babies Ever


New Member
New Hampshire
Hello everyone. These are updated photos of my first two clutches. Keep in mind this is my first year and I am still very much so learning the ropes about genes so any assistance would be great. Any questions just ask.

First off we have the SHT Enigma (I believe) The parents are a SHT Enigma x Normal. Born on 4/13/2012. Current weight as of 5/8 is 6.8 grams.

Second we have either a blood hypo or an electric. The parents are a Jason Line SHTCT(Designer Geckos) blood hypo female x A&M SHTCT Electric male. Born on 4/23/12. Current weight as of 5/8 is 5.8 grams.

Third we have my Normal with I dont believe any hets. The parents are a male SHT Enigma male x Normal Female. (Is it possible for the normal to carry SHT traits in its offspring?) Born on 4/13/2012. Current weight as of 5/8 is 8.7 grams.

Finally we have once again either a blood hypo or an electric. The parents are a Jason Line SHTCT(Designer Geckos) blood hypo female x A&M SHTCT Electric male. Born on 4/22/2012. Current weight as of 5/8 is 7.5 grams.

I have 7 more eggs on the way at the moment and will continue to post pictures as these little guys continue to grow. Any comments or questions feel free to ask.

Best Regards!

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New Member
Canandaigua, NY
The first one is an albino, not an enigma. My guess is a tremper albino.
Your Super Hypo Tangerine Enigma and Normal female are both het albino. Which means baby number 3, the normal, is possible/66% het albino

As far as the blood hypo/electric, I think after you cross the lines it becomes a cross and no longer one or the other. So you would say the babies are blood hypo x electric cross or something like that.


New Member
New Hampshire
I really tried to get photos but I do not have a sufficient camera. I am in the market to get one with around a 400.00 budget. Any recommendations? And anything I can explain about the first gecko that may help? What makes you lean more towards the tremper?


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Tremper is the most common albino morph. Also the coloration does not look like a Bell albino at all, they tend to have purple/brown bands rather than pink.
Rainwaters are the least common and I would be surprised if you managed to wind up with two unknown rainwater hets.

You can also tell the difference between albino strains by looking at the eyes. Although not fool proof it is a good way to get an idea of what albino strain you are working with.
Bell = Pink/grey eyes
Tremper = Light grey eyes
Rainwater = darker grey eyes

This is the camera I use: http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-Coolpix...ZLS8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1336679293&sr=8-1
I got mine a year ago over at Best Buy and since then a new model has come out so I dont think it is still available in stores. I had the option to upgrade to the newer model but didnt because of where they put the zoom and the picture taking button, I think they made it awkward so I would really recommend this model.
But if you have a Bestbuy or similar store near you it would be worthwhile to look around, try things out and ask knowledgable associates questions :)
Only major drawback I have found to this camera is the position of the flash. Although I dont use the flash very often when it does pop up its in the exact place that you would put your finger while holding the camera.... Not the end of the world, you just move your finger but it is a little annoying.
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New Member
New Hampshire
Okay, thank you very much for your assistance. I will post a picture of the father. The father I ended up selling off but still have a few pictures laying around. His eyes look exactly the same as the baby he produced. Is there a site that I can use that can help me better learn the morphs and whats best to go together. I know none of the albino morphs go together I just dont know much about all the other groups as I was only starting out working with different strands with orange (Electric, Blood, SHTCT). I am just having trouble telling what I can end up with by breeding. Ive tried gene calculators but was having a difficult time understanding them.

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