

Website Creator
York, PA
I just made a site by using a WYSIWYG editor and a CSS template. I tried to upload it to zymic (i think it is that...a free hoster) just to see if it would work. And I used Filezilla to upload it, I could see it but it looked plain.
What do I need to fix this?
Thanks, Sam


Website Creator
York, PA
OK, a couple new questions.
Right now I am just using Zymic free web hosting to get used to using Fillezilla, Kompozer, and CSS-Templates...and testing around with them.
My temporary site address is http://leopardgeckoinformation.vndv.com/home.xhtml
Right now if I type in http://leopardgeckoinformation.vndv.com ...it won't work. I would much rather not have to type in the extra "/home.xhtml" onto my future domain name (whatever it may be).
Does anyone know how to fix this??? Or make it work with out the "/home.xhtml".

My next question is regarding navigation bar drop down menus (kind of like when you click on "Quick Links" at the top of the page, except I would want it to dropdown when you hover over it, not click on it). As I said before I am using kompozer for my editing. How create a drop down menu...or what is the code for one???

-Thanks, Sam
Oakland, CA
With having your own domain.. If you were to type in... http://geekusmaximus.net by default it goes to http://geekusmaximus.net/index.* If you did not have an index.* then it would look for home.* . There may be some way to get around this with your current configuration.. I have never used it before.. So I don't know.

In regards to the drop down menu.. There are A LOT of different Java + CSS Solutions out there nowadays... Here is a good looking tutorial for ya. Looks easy and straight forward.


Website Creator
York, PA
Guys. I bought my own domain name.
geckoinformation.info :D
I am still working on the drop down menus. Have found many, but none work well.

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