2nd Batch



Well this time it was really exciting, this morning I saw one hatchling in the incubator and quickly looked at that sibling egg...to my srurprise the hatchling had just started to come out of the egg - just a tear in the end so you could see the head. Well I was concerned since the other was really moving about that something might be wrong with the one yet to hatch, instead I got to hold it as it hatched out. Really neat experience.

Thing 2 is the one I got to hold and seems to be a different coloration than the others. It is odd that they both have the dark line across the back right leg.

Hope you like the pics. Thing1 is on the left and Thing 2 is on the right.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Congrats, the leg markings are wierd I have never seen them before. I used the names Thing 1 & 2 last year for 2 of my geckos when I wasn't sure of the sex.

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