3 Racks + 56 Leopard Geckos + Acessories



Im planning on heading out to the military, and am selling my gear. I have three racks w/ 4in 8watt per foot flex watt controlled by helix thermostats. Two racks can hold 28 16 quarts and the last can hold 21. Two incubators controlled by a helix. You can have all my eggs, i also have one cluth of corn snake eggs you can take those too (Bout to hatch). I have about 56 leopard geckos left, mostly raptors, het raptors, and some "extreme tangerines", and eclipses. You may also take anything to do with this buisness including breeding setups for mealworms etc..

At this point im selling as a package deal for $2000,
( Must be local in S. California )
For More information contact me through my website.

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