3 resistive traits?

j&k lemmy

New Member
Ellsinore missouri
Combine 3 recessive traits.
Mispelled it in title

Diablo Blanco is tremper, blizzard, & eclipse.

If I wanted to make something almost blanco, like bell instead of temper or ME instead of eclipse, as examples.
Where would I start?
I'd like to see what a bell version of a diablo blanco would look like.....wouldn't be blanco anymore.
Or what it would look like with ME instead of eclipse....still would be something new-ish.

Any advice would be helpful.
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New Member
Yup, GeckosEtc has been working on the White Knight project for a bit, and currently has hets up for sale. I'm not sure if there's a Rainwater version yet, but someone's probably working on it.

Marble Eye would be cool. I know that John Scarbrough at GeckoBoa has proven out a pure ME male, so he'll be crossing ME into Bells and possibly RW next year. That could be a pretty cool project to get in on early with some het ME, het Bell animals, produce a few Bell MEs, then add in the blizz part for a ME Bell Blazing Blizzard.

j&k lemmy

New Member
Ellsinore missouri
Bell is called white knight.....I'd called it hells bells lol

I have a male tremper sunglow het ME, male blizzard het tremper, & "not here yet" female het tremper het ME.
Also got a female blazing blizzard and a giant het tremper
Guess I got the genes needed for Diablo inspired MEs some time in the future

All but one of these animals are from John@geckoboa


New Member
Northern California
The Urban Gecko has a bunch of pure Marble eyes for sale. Not sure why anyone would trust John more then Craig (don't get me wrong, John is great).

As far as answering your question, I would breed a pure marble eye to a blazing bell to produce triple hets and then breed the offspring to each other and hope/pray you hit the lotto. Although I'm not sure what the solid blizzard eyes would do with the marble eye.... :main_robin:


New Member
The Urban Gecko has a bunch of pure Marble eyes for sale. Not sure why anyone would trust John more then Craig (don't get me wrong, John is great).

As far as answering your question, I would breed a pure marble eye to a blazing bell to produce triple hets and then breed the offspring to each other and hope/pray you hit the lotto. Although I'm not sure what the solid blizzard eyes would do with the marble eye.... :main_robin:

That would be the big mess, wouldn't it? How would you tell the ME Bell Blizzard from the regular Bell Blizzard that has the false eclipsed eyes? Not a project I'm going to go for, because I'd always be staring at the little booger's eyes going "maybe?" :) But I could see it being pretty cool for someone else.

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