***3weeks since last egg***


New Member
Hope someone can help me..I have a 18month female who laid a single egg on the 22nd May (first breeding season) after 2 weeks the egg became mouldy and flat, now 3weeks later she has became restless and has not eaten anything in about a week, I know that she has mated with the male a couple of times since her last egg. I will attach 2 pics and hope someone can tell me what is going on with her, thanks for reading


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It's not uncommon for a first time female to take a few clutches to get in the swing of things, as far as laying frequency. Sometimes the first clutch is duds, even if one is proven. Then they go off and on food, so feed her as much as she wants when she wants it. Be patient.


New Member
It's not uncommon for a first time female to take a few clutches to get in the swing of things, as far as laying frequency. Sometimes the first clutch is duds, even if one is proven. Then they go off and on food, so feed her as much as she wants when she wants it. Be patient.

thanks for the reply..from the pics i put up does it look like she has got eggs..


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I can't really see by the photo to say if there are eggs. Please don't hold her up by her tail like that, it can hurt her. Her vent does look a bit swollen, try giving her a few warm soaks over the weekend so she can poop.


New Member
I can't really see by the photo to say if there are eggs. Please don't hold her up by her tail like that, it can hurt her. Her vent does look a bit swollen, try giving her a few warm soaks over the weekend so she can poop.

thanks for the info..I was reading on another forum that holding the gecko up at the base of the tail is the best way to do it but after reading what you said i will just do it the normal way from now on..how do i soak her and also how often should i do it??

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