4 females; 4 sheds


Pensacola, Fl
So we've had these guys about a week now? Almost exactly I think. Four of them are in a 55gallon for those that do not know, and the hot side is about 98* give or take a degree depending on if we have the AC on. They're eating about 8-10 superworms a night and aren't very shy in the least. Most of them will creep around and crawl up their logs and just watch things around dusk and dawn, before they get ready to go to sleep or start waking up completely.

So today I wake up and come to turn their lights on and check their worm tray and what do I see? Shed ALL over the tank. From the cool side to the hot side, from the top of the logs to the moist hides. Sure enough, I check on each gecko and they are all at some stage of shed. It's quite crazy because the bearded dragon I got at the same time as them at the repticon is shedding as well. I guess we're doing alright ;)


New Member
Fort Myers
I'm surprised you saw that much shed. Mine always eat their shed. One of my leos sheds only at night and I have never witnessed it. The only way I know it is to find a tiny piece of shed that she forgot to eat. And I mean tiny LOL. Wonder why yours are not eating their shed?

A thought about superworms too... I always heard superworms should only be given as a treat because they are so high in fat content. I give mine a superworm once a week give or take. Did you hear that? Or no. I'm curious becuase mine love superworms - and if it is ok to give them more often than just a treat... my girls would probably love that!! LOL


Pensacola, Fl
As far as feeding them supers, best I can tell is it's user preference. Everyone has their own opinions on it. The worms are all gutloaded so they are getting good nutrients regardless. There's a thread somewhere on here where many folks have said how much their leos love supers and it's a staple food.

as far as not eating the shed? No idea. Could be because it's in such odd places like at the top of their logs or just parts of the tank they don't generally frequent (like the cool side). The one who has shed the most is in the large moist hide right now and she's been spinning circles in there for the last 3 hours and getting out going to the warm side to heat back up then going back to the moist hide and spinning some more. She's nearly finished getting all of teh shed off.. minus a small piece on her nose that she's been licking at for the past 30 minutes. This is going on during 'daylight' hours. They don't much mind whether the lights are on or off. They seem to have settled in very well.
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New Member
Fort Myers
Mine are like that too. I have one that only sheds at night, and one that sheds during the day; she even uses my hand as a rubbing post. Normally her shed only takes an hour, and if there's something she can't get off, like around toes or on nose, I put her in sink of tepid water (ankle deep to a gecko) and use a Q-tip to work the rest off. :)


New Member
Raggin...... I was wanting to know how you came to pick out your Gecko's from the show? Had you talked to the breeder before? or just go by the booth?

I have never been to a show before and would like any tips from you or anyone.


Pensacola, Fl
Raggin...... I was wanting to know how you came to pick out your Gecko's from the show? Had you talked to the breeder before? or just go by the booth?

I have never been to a show before and would like any tips from you or anyone.

I found who was going to the show by checking the Repticon website for our local show. I googled the vendors and the looked if they had a contact address. I emailed them to see if they had x or y and described what I was looking for. If they had something, they mailed me back and told me to be sure to check their booth. They're pretty fair with prices too, especially if you are buying multiples. We got our 4 females and 1 bearded dragon for MUCH cheaper than if I had bought them individually at the show.

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