A bi concerned



We just purchased a gecko two days ago. We bought her at Petsmart from a girl that was quite knowledgeable. Our Gecko is healthy, happy and enquisitive - everything is good. She even ate yesterday and the girl said she might not eat for several days. the Girl at Petsmart told us to move our gecko to a small, carpeted cage for feeding to keep from ingesting the sand and it worked well. However, now that I have done some more research, I think we will get the carpeting for her 20 gal cage instead of the sand.

Anyway, - here's the real problem; yesterday we decided to spoil our gecko (we haven't named her yet) and bought a hiding rock, you know the type that have built-in shelves. Anyway, teh gecko went to check it out and went inside a small opening that is inside of one of the rocks (I don't think she was meant to go there - I thougth it was solid - not hollow,and being a new owner...) this area is not accessable to us and very hidden. She hasn't come out. Should we be concerned or just make sure that she has moist moss around it and leave her alone?:main_huh:


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
geckonewby said:
We just purchased a gecko two days ago. We bought her at Petsmart from a girl that was quite knowledgeable. Our Gecko is healthy, happy and enquisitive - everything is good. She even ate yesterday and the girl said she might not eat for several days. the Girl at Petsmart told us to move our gecko to a small, carpeted cage for feeding to keep from ingesting the sand and it worked well. However, now that I have done some more research, I think we will get the carpeting for her 20 gal cage instead of the sand.

Anyway, - here's the real problem; yesterday we decided to spoil our gecko (we haven't named her yet) and bought a hiding rock, you know the type that have built-in shelves. Anyway, teh gecko went to check it out and went inside a small opening that is inside of one of the rocks (I don't think she was meant to go there - I thougth it was solid - not hollow,and being a new owner...) this area is not accessable to us and very hidden. She hasn't come out. Should we be concerned or just make sure that she has moist moss around it and leave her alone?:main_huh:

I would leave her alone for now, try to coax her out tonight with some crickets or mealworms. She will come out eventually :)

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Sounds like she likes her new hide! It's not unusual for a newly acquired gecko to be stressed in a new environment, and they naturally like hiding places. I agree that she will come out at night to explore, and eventually feel secure enough to come out during the daytime.


Painting the roses red...
Orange County, CA
Lol . . . my girls did the same thing with their big tree-hide thing from PetSmart. They went right into the underbelly part and I was freaking out because it was such a small space. But they did come out eventually and everything was fine . . . :) Try putting the hide on its side and place some crickets in the tank. She may come flying out of there for you . . . :p


Sounds normal to me when I got my first leo she checked everything out most of the night, then the next couple days later she went into hiding and would only come out to eat, but now she's out and about all the time but she's been on a hunger strike for over a week now.


New Member
I have a new male that is very much like that, if he see's me walk into the roome he bolts into his hide. But the difference is I can see him if I just lift the hide, he's not in a place I can't get to lol. But he's also been like this with the previous owner.
But, don't worry or anything. I have 6 leopard geckos, and of all of them he's the only one that has a problem, but I'm working with him and he'll get better :p.
Just let her be, she'll come out when you least expect it. Just imagine how you'd be if you were thrust into a new environment...you'd probably not be too keen to go out and about either. Just make sure you feed her and give her space and in time she'll be running about the cage. Also, hold off on handling for a while as she becomes used to the environment. I assume that if you got it from Petsmart/Petsco, it's probably really small, still a baby and all. If you find that you must hold it, hold it inside the cage and close to the floor. The babies and even juveniles tend to just bolt and jump...had that happen when I first held my jungle male that I got from Marcia at GGG. He just went "ploop" right off my hand onto the floor...he actually fell off my shoulder (I was on me knees) the other day...silly guy. But they get much better with handling in time.

Okay, I'm ranting.
Just for your edification, there's a small book by Vosjoli on Leopard Geckos, you should invest in it and read up on everything. It's a small one, so don't get the big one unless you are really interested in knowing every itsybitsy thing there is to know about leo's. I just got the bigger one and gave the small one to a friend, it was great help while I had it.

Anywho :)

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