A couple questions...


Ghoulish Geckos
I've had Norman since he was a baby. I think he's about 3 1/2 now. How can I make sure he's a male? I've never seen him black beard at all. Is it because he's my only dragon?

How long do males want to breed? Is there an age that they stop?

I've seen some people that keep multiple dragons together. Is this possible year round? My enclosure is huge (has two basking spots, two uvb bulbs and two levels). I'd love to get another dragon in the future, but I'm not sure that I'd want to breed.

Thanks for your help.:)


New Member
Hi Kristi:) When I first asked the same question I was told what to do and what to look for, but was still confused without illustration (need to have pictures, lol). Here is a link that will help you with sexing your dragon http://www.beardeddragon.org/articles/sexing/. Dragons will darken their beards not only in the presence of another dragon, but anytime they become angry or frightened as well. Beard color really isn't a good sex determinant. At what age they quit breeding, Tom would be a good one to ask that as he is a breeder, and does retire his breeding animals. As for keeping more than one dragon together, it really isn't recommended because they are territorial, especially when they get older. I know several people who say they house females together without problems. However, there are some who have done this and months or years down the line one of the animals decide they don't like having a roomie and may injure or kill the other dragon. They really shouldn't be brought together except for breeding. I'm sure Tom can add to what I've told you, but I hope this is a helpful start for you! They are wonderful creatures to keep!


New Member
Hi K,
Carolyn basicly summed it up.
My female breeders I tend to breed between ages 2 to 6 years old depending on how many clutches and how they are physiclly will determin when I retire Her.
I have had dragons that I only bred 1 time and retired just because I didnt like how she bounced back. Males can breed longer than females and I have only retired 2 males in my time. Apollo due to illness and Lyrch who doesnt know he is retired...lol

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