About egg's



I have a setup with 2 females and one male.

One of the female is ready too breed, as she weight's 56g and is 11 months old.

Last night, I surprise the male getting active on the female. So I watch my first show.

I then monitored the oldest female, And notice the ovum and then an egg through her belly.

I have setup an egg laying box. The yougest female and the male, are often going inside the lating box, but the oldest, ready to lay egg female, check around, but never enters.

Today, I have found an egg inside the hide, but not in the laying box.

My qyestions are the following :

Must I do something special to make the box attractive ?

The single egg I found was in great shape, fully white, but the top was 'collapse' (not sure is the right word) There were no incision but the egg was not fully oval-round as the top of the egg was bent inside. Do egg, or good egg are always perfect ?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
There could be a few reasons for you to find a dented egg like that, and outside the laybox.

First sounds like the egg dried out a bit, you can still place it in the incubator but pile up some of your incubations medium on top off it till it plumps up.

The reason for laying outside the box could be a few things, one she's being bullied to stay out of the lay box, the egg is infertile as sometimes females will lay out side the box when they are infertile, and last she may have aborted the egg early due to her knowing something was wrong with the egg.


BalloonzForU said:
There could be a few reasons for you to find a dented egg like that, and outside the laybox.

First sounds like the egg dried out a bit, you can still place it in the incubator but pile up some of your incubations medium on top off it till it plumps up.

The reason for laying outside the box could be a few things, one she's being bullied to stay out of the lay box, the egg is infertile as sometimes females will lay out side the box when they are infertile, and last she may have aborted the egg early due to her knowing something was wrong with the egg.

Thank you for your detailed response.

As for bullied out, I dont think so. When it come's to food, she's always the first to grab and she doesnt hesitate to toss other when she needs.

I'll check later, on the next clutch.

thx again

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