Accident Prone or What?


New Member
Southern USA
I know I'm generally accidental prone, but this is getting ridiculous. First my back decides to go against me this evening, so I'm in major pain over that. Then the some of the new crickets I got home today got dumped on my bed as I was trying to feed a few to the new leo. (Didn't seem interested in food so far), and then just now, I dumped about half of the mealworms on my floor that I was trying to see if the new lizard would eat or not. Also didn't seem interested in them so far. GAH ... *smashes head to wall* anyone else have issues like this? Or am I just overly accidental prone? *sigh*


New Member
Bay Area, CA
I am like that as well, though thankfully I haven't had any big accidents of any great magnitude. I forgot to put waxworms away once and I had little waxworm trails in my carpet the next morning. It was kind of nice though because it made the worms easy to find.

My worse clumbsiness was with my poor child. When he got a little bigger and went from infant carrier to car seat I went through a short phase where I kept on bumping his head on the frame of the car! Who does that? Thankfully it wasn't hard, he never cried, but I kept on thinking, "this poor child is going to grow up with a nervous tick or something." Being accident prone + mommy fatigue makes for a bad combination.


New Member
I have a habit of dropping my superworm containers >.< Once, I dropped it on the floor and oatmeal and worms went everywhere, and I can't remember why, but there was water too so the oatmeal was super soggy. To make matters worse, some worms and oatmeal went under my dresser drawer, and my leo is on top of my dresser so let's just say it wasn't exactly the easiest task getting all the worms and oatmeal out from under haha Thank goodness my parents weren't home o_O The second time I dropped it I dropped it in my leos tank and of course oatmeal goes everywhere...again...and Sonny, my leo, was like, "OMG. WORMS JUST FELL FROM THE SKY. HOORA-WHOA WHATS THAT ORANGE THING?! NOM-NOM-NOM" and that orange thing happened to be a carrot that she repeatedly tried to eat. There were worms running around everywhere, yet she goes after the carrot again and again even though I keep pulling her away from it...WEIRD. I also have a habit of spilling water while filling her water bowl RIGHT AFTER I put in new paper towel. I spend about 30 min. cleaning her tank and what not and the last thing I do is fill her bowl with water. For some reason, every time I do it, I end up spilling a puddle of water and therefore, the new paper towel is now ruined -.-

Speaking of ruining new things, Sonny doesn't help. Recently, I threw out her old calcium and replaced it with new. I put it in her tank and I'm like, "Look Sonny! New calcium JUST FOR YOU <3!" She goes over, starts licking some up, and STARTS DIGGING. So I'm like NOOO! and I move her and there's a little pile of calcium she dug up out of the bowl. I'm thinking that's the end of it, but I was very wrong. Come home the next day...I look at her and say hi and she's got calcium all over her face and top of I rush to the other side of the tank and THE BOWL IS SURROUNDED IN A SEA OF CALCIUM. She dug out ALL the calcium that was in the bowl, and I'm guessing it went flying everywhere because some of it is on top of her hide. It was just an absolute mess >.< but I love her regardless <3 hehe


New Member
Southern USA
Lol wow well I am glad that I am not the only one that has these issues. I know I've had a few crickets that escape, and some still do. It just drove me nuts that all that happened on the same day. It was aggravating, and I had to pick up all the mealworms that were dumped on the floor. Good thing the cats aren't allowed in my room. They may have gone nom nom nom! I do have at least two cats that love to bug hunt, so yea, that'd have been a real treat for them, at least that's what they would have thought 'till we'd have to take it to the vet.

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