I got a male tangerine albino gecko from GGG at the NARBC show in Anehiem. He was doing great, eating crickets, mealworms, silkworms, pinkies like a pig, until now. My younger brother bought a larger female banana blizzard at the show, and about a week ago, when i was not around placed the tang with his blizzard. He told me the tang shook his tail and did the whole about to mate thing, but then he seperated them. The blizzard is almost 60 grams so shes breeding size, but the tang is only 4-6 months old i believe, and now he is acting funny. he keeps bending his head backwords, as if hes trying to look up at the top of the 10g he is in. He also hasnt been as feriocius of an eater either, and now the mealworms have to be placed either on his nose, or right next to him for him to eat at all.
Upon doing some reading here, it seems that sometimes males when introduced to females can stop eating? im wondering if this is what is happening, and also, would putting the female in a different room make a difference? all my geckos are housed seperatly, but there all in one room.
I dont know what to do, because he hasnt given me any problems until now, and now im worried.
anything i can do? He doesnt seem to be losing weight and has a nice fat tail and hes still pooping, plus its only been a week, but still.
am i just too worried? or is there enough reason to be?
Upon doing some reading here, it seems that sometimes males when introduced to females can stop eating? im wondering if this is what is happening, and also, would putting the female in a different room make a difference? all my geckos are housed seperatly, but there all in one room.
I dont know what to do, because he hasnt given me any problems until now, and now im worried.
anything i can do? He doesnt seem to be losing weight and has a nice fat tail and hes still pooping, plus its only been a week, but still.
am i just too worried? or is there enough reason to be?