adding 1 or 2 more....


New Member
I got my pretty ciliatus last friday. on april 14th there is a fair in denmark, where i wish to attend and maybe find a friend or two to my little ciliatus.

my ciliatus weigh only 4 grams and messure about 5-6 centimeters
can i bring friends home to the same viv?
and if so, what age/size should they have?

I cant tell sex now, so what should i be looking for if i get more cil's to the same viv and when?
i think, that..... 2 males will figth, but when do the start to show signs on figthing and wich signs?

i have a 60 liters fish tank, i can use for when (if) i discover that i have more than 1 male, but i would like them to live in the same viv for as long as it can be done.....

sorry for my bad spelling/grama. I'm Danish.


New Member
wwhat do one do, if the weather gets too hot? can one ventilate the viv somehow?

im thinking of fixing small bottle caps on the wood, in my viv, for CGF, but i cant figure out how... I want to be able to clean them 2-3 times a week... any1 who have done something like that?

when bringing home a crestie, what should I use? i have a plastc carrier, but i suppose i get the animal in a smaller plastic container, should i move the animal or leave it in its small container?
(at fairs in denmark, one can byu the animal and then leave it a speciel supervised roomm while lokking further around)

and still i dont know what size a friend to my crestie should have? samr size or can i get a teen-female?



New Member
When it gets too warm for my cresties, I take ice packs and wrap them in an old t-shirt so that the cold still gets out, but they can't overcool themselves on it (think the invers of a basking spot). Instead of fixing them to the wood, just remove them to clean/replace them. When bringing it home, just leave it in the small container. I strongly recommend against cohabitation, but if you are going to do it, you need to put two of the same size animals in the enclosure, and do it at the same time. So if you want to introduce another crestie, you need to completely break down your enclosure and clean it entirely before putting both cresties back in at the same time.


New Member
You should quarantine any new animals for 2-3 months before trying to expose them to each other. I would highly recommend housing them in separate cages until they are sexable (10-15 grams). Some female cresteds do great together, others don't, and some will do fine for a while and then start fighting out of nowhere. If you decide to house them together you need to constantly observe them for any signs of aggression. If you don't have extra setups ready you can go out and purchase some small tubs for around 1 U.S. dollar and add some fake foliage.

Here's what I did for the group I got in October.

Keep it simple and clean while they are growing. These are 6qt tubs and they stay in these until they are around 10-15 grams, then into 16 or 24qt tubs, then into adult setups. This has worked great for me.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
The size of tank you are using is not large enough for more than one adult crested gecko. 60 liters is just under 16 gallons, which a single adult requires about that size, 2 adult females would require at least 30 gallons (approx 115L). So long term this will not work for even a pair of females. I know you said you had the extra 60L for if you had an extra male, but you never stated how large of a tank you had that you planned to keep a pair in.

But as stated you always want to QT your animals, even if you got them at the same time. I even QT when they are from the same breeder, it is always best to house alone for a QT period. And the bonus to doing it individually even if they are from the same breeder is that you can watch and insure both are eating and pooping well, when you house them in pairs or groups there is no easy way of telling who is eating and pooping.


New Member
i have a 250 liters tank for them set up now (its the one in the pic) the 60 liter is a fish tank i have in spare, but not one I intend to use rigth now, only in emergency and temperarely.

how long do you QT?


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
depends on who you ask, some say 60, others say 90. For me it depends on who it is from. From fellow friend breeders I trust, 60, from people I do not know (small no name breeders,people I have not known for a long while, pet stores, ect) I would do 90 days. I now normally only buy from trusted sources but when first starting out you dont know who is who. You can never go wrong with a longer QT period.

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