Adding More Leopards?



I've had my female tangerine Leopard for 1.5 years. She was bought as a baby. Can I safely add another Leopard to her habitat? Since finding this site, I've become amazed at the variaties of Leopards.:main_huh:


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
You can add another female as long as they are the same size and you watch them very carefully to look for bullying or fighting. If you do add one, the second one had to be quarantined for at least 90 days and have fecal tests done to make sure it is not carrying parasites that can be contracted to the other leo. And of course, do not add a male unless you are prepared to have them breed.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
The male should not be a companion to your female, but should be housed separately unless can be too stressful to have the male in with the female all the time. Males will constantly try to breed with the female causing the female too much stress which could cause her to go off feed.

Personally, I would NOT house your female with any other reptiles....leos are solitary and while it may look like they enjoy each other's company, there can actually be subtle dominance issues that can cause the less dominant leo stress.

All in all it's better to have separate tanks for each leo. It's much easier to keep track of who's eating and pooping when separate and less stressful for the leos.




I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Kathy did you actually read Trish's post? She never mentioned a male. Like Scott/Nikki said, you can add another female of the same size after a 90 day quarantine and a vet checkup/fecal test.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
GoGo said:
Kathy did you actually read Trish's post? She never mentioned a male. Like Scott/Nikki said, you can add another female of the same size after a 90 day quarantine and a vet checkup/fecal test.

Thanks GoGo...Trish didn't actually specify what sex she planned to add with her other leo. She just asked if she could safely add another leo. I guess I should have worded it differently, but I wanted to note that if you don't know what sex you are adding there would be problems with adding a male. Hopefully she would buy a leo from someone knowledgable that would identify the sex for her or she would learn how to sex them herself. I also feel you are taking a chance adding another female. What if they don't get along? I guess Trish would have her 90 day quarantine tank to put one of the females in if they didn't work out together...<grin>

Sorry for the confusion...the brain wasn't connected to the fingers again! I knew what I meant! LOL



Seminole, FL
we keep ours solitary accept for one set of females that were clutch mates. We monitor them closely though for any signs of dominance and after several months nothing yet. They both weight the same and eat like horses.

You can house them together but like others said they tend to be solitary reptiles. If you choose to do so keep a very close eye on them. Personally, if had one that had been on it's own for 1.5 years I wouldn't add another because it would probably stress her out because she's no longer the queen of her castle. Plus you'll have to get one vary close to size, weight, and possibly even temperament. This can be difficult.

Just my two cents.

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