Adult leo hasn't pooped for 3 or 4 days - reason for concern?


New Member
Maryland, USA
Our adult leopard gecko is eating OK - just ate 5 large crickets last night - but has not had a poop in 3 or maybe 4 days. Is this reason for concern, and if so is there anything we can do for him that would help?

SC Geckos

New Member
3 - 4 days seems like a long time. Leos have a pretty short digestive tract so it doesn't normally take long for things to pass through them. How long have you had him, what substrate is he on, what are the temps in his enclosure, and does he have access to fresh water? Assuming all those things are good.... I would recommend putting him in a shallow tub of warm water for a little while and see if that loosens him up. I have done this afew times with my snakes and once or twice with a gecko and in most cases they "went" right in the tub of water. Just make sure the water is not too hot. I use between 85 - 88 degree water. Hope this helps.


New Member
Maryland, USA
How deep should the water be and should it be treated water?

We have paper towel in his tank, not sand or carpet. He has a bowl of water, but I've never actually seen him drink from it. I presume he does, but I've never seen it. Also a moist hide with coco fiber. We've had him since I think January. Temp is controlled with heat mat and thermostat set to 94 (but temp varies from about 90 to 95 or so.

SC Geckos

New Member
How deep should the water be and should it be treated water?
I put about a 1/2" of water in depending on the size of the animal. So it comes up just under his... elbow I guess you would say. I do treat the water with repti safe if I am using tap water. If there is a chance the gecko is a little dehydrated a add in a small amount of Pedialyte to the water.
We have paper towel in his tank, not sand or carpet. He has a bowl of water, but I've never actually seen him drink from it. I presume he does, but I've never seen it. Also a moist hide with coco fiber. We've had him since I think January. Temp is controlled with heat mat and thermostat set to 94 (but temp varies from about 90 to 95 or so.
All of that sounds good.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
Try a warm bath to help his digestive system. May be some kind of food impaction. I've noticed with my own Leopard Gecko, that crickets take longer than meal worms to come out.

Try a few mealworms...


New Member
Maryland, USA
And tonight he finally had a poop. Yeah! :) That was without having done the bath yet. I will keep that technique in mind for if this happens again. thanks folks.

Also I think we'll go back to the smaller mealworms as I presume those are easier to digest. We've been keeping mealworms in there and feeding crickets every other day or so.

SC Geckos

New Member
And tonight he finally had a poop. Yeah! That was without having done the bath yet. I will keep that technique in mind for if this happens again. thanks folks.
Glad to hear..... That sounds weird since we are talking about poop.

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