Advice Needed!


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am a new member and new to the herp culture, I have one crested gecko and for a while thought about buying a ball python... I have recently moved to Churchill MB (for everyone that doesn't know, is rather isolated).

My question is, I would like to buy another reptile pal to get shipped up here and I have two choices.. either to pay 75$ flat fee through the airline or through canada post. Do people ship live animals through canada post?

Also I have done my research and have decided on a rubbermaid enclosure 31qt until I move back to Winnipeg and buy a 20gallon and maybe another leo... we'll see lol. I understand leo's need live food as a staple diet, and I will need to buy in bulk to stock up (also hopefully someone ships canada post) Please tell me I can use something other than crickets... as I live in an apartment and from what I hear crickets are gross. Is there something I can easily breed myself? In either case.. I will dust with calcium every day and leave a calcium bowl, vitamins once a week, and calcium w/ d3 once a week on top of gutloading... sound good?

Do I have to use a thermostat with the Ultratherm mat? or can I just monitor temps? I was planning on buying the Zilla 1000w thermostat for the ball python.. but would prefer to not spend the 55$ if not necessary. I will be using 2 thermometers and a hygrometer, 2 hides (hot and cold)

I think this covers everything, I just wanted to confirm my info (which was collected from several sites.. lets just say i used quite a few sticky notes). But my main questions are: Canada Post - Leopard gecko safe? Rubbermaid Bin - good size?

Thank you in advance!


New Member
Thanks... I will check it out, is there anything else I can feed him mainly other than crickets... meal worms, superworms?


New Member
North Carolina
I don't know what the laws are in Canada, but roaches are super easy to breed and really healthy for your leo. I got my roaches from and, both are in the US and I'm not sure if they ship to Canada. I know some people on this forum breed mealworms and superworms and feed those as a staple too. There's quite a bit of information under the "Feeders" section of this forum. Good luck and gratz on getting a leo :D


New Member
lol I have not bought one yet. Still waiting to hear from Urban Gecko on whether or not they use Canada Post. I will try researching meal worms or dubia roaches and see which is more available.


New Member
north east ohio
i just finalized a pretty big deal with craig at the urban gecko and he is a great guy, he knows all the laws and im sure he could help you out!! he also has some of the best geckos you can buy!! i will be getting ten new leos from him tomorrow!

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