advice please!!


New Member
Plymouth UK
Hi guys, i have a mack enigma male that i will be breeding this coming year. i got him in the first steps to producing novas,dreamsickles, black holes etc. but still get confused by all these different names and outcomes etc. So i have a choice of buying a RAPTOR for him which i know will produce what i want in the second year. But i have also been offered a lovely nova. What will i get if i put him with a nova. 1st year and 2nd. Thanks guys. Also what would you guys go for RAPTOR or NOVA


JK Herp
Mack Enigma x RAPTOR=
25% Mack Snow het RAPTOR
25% Mack Snow Enigma het RAPTOR
25% Enigma het RAPTOR
25% Normal het RAPTOR

Mack Enigma x NOVA=
25% Mack Snow Enigma (1c) het RAPTOR
25% Enigma (1c) het RAPTOR
12.5% Mack Snow het RAPTOR
12.5% Mack Snow Enigma (2c) het RAPTOR
12.5% Enigma (2c) het RAPTOR
12.5% Normal het RAPTOR

You would basically get the same stuff with both pairings but more Enigmas in the Mack Enigma x Nova pairing. I would go with a RAPTOR, you would get basically the same stuff as the NOVA pairing just less Enigmas.
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