


Ok Bubba is still not progressing the way I thought he would by now, I cannot get him to eat anything not even a waxworm. I've been giving him his meds and I had him on slurry last week, he did eat 2 crix the other night but that's it. I've been giving him his warm soaks as the vet said, doing everything right and he's still not doing well.

He is active in his tank pretty normally I really don't think he has crypto, he has only went poo one time since his vet visit and I didn't get it fresh enough to take in to the vet for another fecal to be sent off. His exams showed negative parasites in the office and he couldn't find anything wrong with him even with bloodwork and $188 vet bill!

So now what do I do? Should I start him on the slurry full time to try and get another poo sample? I'm truly at a loss on what to do. I feel like he is wasting away.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Mandi, if you are feeding crickets there is a possibility Bubba could have a bacterial infection which will not show up on a routine fecal test. I would suggest feeding him the slurry until he can produce a fresh fecal sample, and then having the vet send it out for a culture to determine if he does have an infection, and if so what type of bacteria it is. Most infections of this type will respond to a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Baytril if caught an treated early enough.


Ok I am going to try so hard to catch a fresh poo sample, I'm starting him on the slurry right now.


Still have him on the slurry it's very hard to get him to take it he doesn't act like he even wants to lick it off his mouth, I caught him rubbing his face on the bottom of the tank. He did take 1 mealworm but still no poo, I gave him a warm soak tonight so I guess we will wait and see.

This has gone beyond frustrating and I'm really worried he lost another 2 grams since the vet visit. :(

I'm just curious what happens even after I get another sample to be sent off and they don't find anything? What are my opitions then?

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