Albino Eclipses and light sensitivity


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
I am getting far fewer hatchlings (and viable eggs) than I anticipated this season. As a result I found it justifiable to get a new little Super Snow Tremper Eclipse yesterday, when I was picking up feeders from a local breeder. The whole ride home this little guy had his eyes shut. However, this was no bright and sunny South Florida day; the sky was overcast and drizzling here and there. My Honeybell (only het eclipse) can tolerate brightness of this factor without shutting her eyes.

My question is, do you think albino eclipses (and for that matter, SS albinos as well) are even more light-sensitive than regular albinos? Or is it just that this little boy is so young (about a month, give or take a week)? This is my first RAPTOR, so I don't know.


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
Maybe, but when I got him home and put him in the hatchling rack he opened them up and was pretty active. One other thought occurs though, the bedding was making him itch his head every now and then. Maybe the little fibers coming off the shredded cardboard irritated his eyes and that's why he kept them closed while he was in the cup.

But back to the question, are eclipse albinos more light-sensitive than normal albinos? I can see how the eclipse might let even more light in.


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
For anyone who was interested in this, I can with reasonable certainty confirm that Eclipse (or SS) albinos are indeed more photosensitive than non-Eclipses. Data sampling using Honeybell (Tremper, only het Eclipse) and Helo (SS Bell, so solid red eyes) showed that Helo was more sensitive to the exact same amount of light. Honeybell only needed pupil constriction when exposed to light from the window at 12p.m., but Helo had to close his eyes. They were both held at the same distance from the window.
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New Member
Clearwater, FL
Yes, I established that I already knew that was the case.

I just meant that it could just be the albino but I have a SSTA and she seems more light sensitive then my other albinos so you might be right about them being more light sensitive.

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