albino X albino


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
i know its a pretty dumb question, but i thought i might ask. has besides the fact of test breeding to see if they were the same, has any one crossed any of the 3? bell x tremper, bell x vegas, vagas X tremper? so to see if some kind of morph gets pulled outta there butt?


When the first Rainwater hatched out it was bred to a tremper to see if they were the same.

Also when the first bell hatched out it was bred to a tremper and a rainwater to see if they were the same.

It is considered a big no-no to cross the albino lines. :main_thumbsdown:
If any hets or possible hets from that project got into another persons collection and something random, like a bell albino, popped out of a tremper albino project then the project would be ruined.

All you get from one strain albino X another strain albino is normal double hets. Maybe something else if both albinos are het for something, but as for an albino X albino = something new: nope.

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