"All I can think about are tsunamis and earthquakes"



Yeah, that's lyrics from a Kimya Dawson song (doubt anyone knows her, but she has really weird music, and I love it, ha).

And there is a reason I picked this song. It's all about the Tsunamis back in 04, and how people complain about the smallest little things. And...now I'm goind to complain about them complaining, ha.

The first part of the song is this:
"One of her babies is rotting in the sun
And the other one was found drowned in the ocean
Her mom and dad are in their van crushed and bloated
And her husband was thrown from his fishing boat
So please give me a break from all your complaining
About who was mean to you and how your stepdad is a pain
- I care, I swear, but I just can't take it, not today
All I can think about are tsunamis and earthquakes"

I'm SO tired of my friends coming to me to complain about who said this, she doesn't like me, I love him but he likes her, yadda yadda, then saying that they think the world is out to get THEM. WHAT?!?!?! There are people out there being raped, murdered, etc...or like the song...people dying from a natural disaster. And these people coming to me think THEIR lives suck? I guess I've just learned to REALLY appreciate what I have. Yes, I complain sometimes about stuff...that's how it is. But some people just don't stop, and about little tiny insifnificant things. It's ridiculous!

The woman she is talking about in the song, survives...because she has the strength to. Even after losing EVERYTHING.

I have an uncle that went through a divorce...like his other two brothers (including my dad)...and this uncle just went nuts. He's tried to kill himself several times because he isn't getting his way...but I'm pretty sure it's just for attention. One time, he was living with my dad. He called my dad up and told him not to bring my sisters home (I was at work), and told my dad that he had a knife and was saying goodbye. My dad then calls the cops, and the cops get there, take the knife away, and my uncle goes to the hospital from being shot with bean bag guns because he wouldn't drop the knife. His two kids...wow...they went through a ROUGH time because of all of this, and it seems it happens at least once a year. I can't feel sorry for him...just can't. He's so selfish that he puts his own kids (that he supposedly loves and wants to spend time with all the time) through so much crap just to get some attention. It's bull.

I've had friends come up to me and tell me they are going to kill themselves because their parents are awful, the world sucks, they'll never get the girl of their dreams...it's all bs to me. I hate it, and now they've learned that I won't give any attention to them, besides telling them that they are stupid to think that's a reason to end your life, and send them the lyrics to this song...happens a lot.

Anyone else have similar problems? I just thought that once I graduated the drama and bs would be done and over with...I was horribly wrong.


Wheeeew don't get me started girl. I have had soo much family drama its ridiculous. And for SOME dang reason, I seem to attract friends that are ALL drama! I hate being involved in other peoples drama. For instance, I just started a new job a year ago. Met a really rad chick and we became friends. Come to find out shes the "promiscuous" girl at my work. Has had "relations" with lots of dudes there. I just couldnt take all her drama so I gave up on her. Met a cool guy friend at my work...turns out he's SUPER emo and threatens to kill himself all the time. I was finally like, if you're gonna threaten to kill yourself, thats fine. Im sick of coming to your house and checking on you to make sure you're not dying. Had to give up on him. Same with another girl...super rad, we became friends. She's the same age as me...yet she cant get out of the high school drama mode. So I had to drop her too. THREE people at my work I couldnt be friends with anymore! And the same thing happened to my ex best friend of 7 years. Started being super "friendly" with lots of guys and bringing drama to my life so I had to give her the axe. I dont think the drama ever really ends haha. I graduated high school 5 years ago and I still meet people that are all about it. Just gotta be cautious with who you are friends with I guess.


New Member
Central Florida
I hate to hear people complin about minor things as well.
My mother and sister in law were killed by a drunk drivelr, his blood alcohol count was triple the legal limit. Me and my husband and 9 month old son pulled up at the scene and I had to stand there while my husband IDed his dead mother and sister. The guy who killed them never served a day in Jail because he is a big wig in this city and has more money then anyone and knows all the right people so my father in law and husband had to sit there and hear the judge say not guilty and the man walk out of the court room. My husband and father in law spend every day for 4 years trying to get justice and will continue to fight for thier life time. I hear people complain about money but yet they have a warm house, comfy bed, a car and warm food which is soooo much more then some people have. Another one that gets me is kids whinning they have it so hard and mommy and daddy are so mean because they wont buy them the latest gadget when there are kids fightng for their lives or lost their lives either because there mom or dad had a bad day or some life threating illness is killing them slowly everyday. I hug my kids and husband 100 times a day and thank god for what I have everyday because there is always someone else dealing with something worse. Senstive subject for me lol, I'll never forget one day my 5 year old son was mad because I would not buy him a toy so he told me if I didnt buy it he would tell everyone I beat him so would get in trouble, I handed him my cell and told him how to dial 911 and tell them and told him he would go to a foster home and would see what those children without a family go thru, he never tried that again lol.


Wow, sorry to hear that Jenn :( I hope the guy ends up in jail. I hate our corrupted government/legal system. It's just ridiculous.

I wish more people were thankful for what they have. The woman in this song, after losing everything, is still thankful and holding on, that she still survived, and there are people here that want to off themselves because they can't afford that big screen TV, and blah blah.

Yes, I WISH I had more, but I'm still thankful of what I have. And if I want something, I'm going to work for it. Not sit around and complain that I can't have it.


New Member
Central Florida
thats right. I live in an older home but it is my home and no one can take it from me, I drive an 2005 suv but noone can take it from me. Im so thankful to just be living everyday I try not to get caught up in the whole bigger and better world. there is always someone out there that has a better life but on the flip side there is always someone out there who has a harder life.


Same here. I work a crappy job, live in an ok apartment, and drive an ok car. BUT I'm thankful for what I have!! I'm grateful I HAVE a crappy job during these times. And I'd rather have an ok apartment then be homeless again (had to live in my car with boyfriend for 2 months). Yea, I may not be rich, drive Lambos and live in a mansion...but I could be WAY worse off


Yeah! I've got no job, live with my dad, etc...but I'm tankful I have my dad here and he still helps take care of me, and my wonderful boyfriend that also lives with me and helps me out a LOT and is going to help me find a job. And I'm fine with that. I'm thankful for it all.

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