ALOT of questions about buying a gecko


New Member
I my first gecko passed away 1-2 days ago and I really want another one, I did not understand how to take care of him correctly but I thought I did. I did research for about 2 hours before I got him and read all the manuals and stuff. I cannot go to petco all the time and get crickets but I could probly only get them maybe once a week or more. I have ALOT of questions such as calcium/heating/shedding and almost everything you can think of. Im really confused about the heating and what should be on the ground and all of that sutff. Is there some way someone on here can instant message me on like skype or a chat somewhere or something? I have very specific questions and It takes alot of time to do it here on the forums. Im looking for someone that knows alot and is really dedicated to leopard geckos. Im also not looking to buy one from petco cause I heard breeders are more healthier or something I dont know but Yes If there is anyway someone could help me post below

Waiting in this chat if anyone wants to join
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Hats Off Exotics
My first recommendation is to use the search feature for the forum and see what you can find with that. If not we would be more than happy to answer your questions. Second I would be 100% sure you understand how to properly care for them before you get another. The banner on the top with all the breeders have great geckos and are all top notch. Buying from a breeder who you know has healthy animals is a MUCH better way to get a gecko than from the pet store where you can not be sure of its health. If not the second best way to get one would be a reptile show near you and you wouldnt have to pay shipping.


New Member
Phoenix, Az.
I'm at work currently, but I'll do you a favor. Put together your list of questions and send them to me in a PM. I'll answer them for you tonight when I get done with work, unless you have more than 50, in which case I'll split them up and answer them all by tomorrow evening US mountain time. Here's my first bit of advice, get the setup done first before you go shopping for a new leo. The setup can run you easily $100 for a tank, substrate, heat pad, hides, digital probe thermometer, dusting calcium and vitamins, etc. If you already have a tank, (I know you do) you'll need to sanitize it and everything that was associated with your first leopard that passed away.

Crickets once a week is fine, because you can vary the feeding insect. I feed crickets twice a week. I also keep superworms, which can last for a while as feeders. Mealworms also last for a bit, but are smaller and less active. Another thing to note is that your leopard might not like a feeder insect. So be prepared to find a nice mix you can feed your new friend. Roaches are another good choice. And don't rely on petco, petsmart exclusively. There are plenty of places online and even in the feeder forum where you can order from a quality source and know what you are feeding your friend.

I'll wait to see your questions.



New Member
I suggest you do a lot of reading and don't even think about getting another gecko any time soon. Read read read

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