Already have a Leo...Now thinking of getting a Crestie, need some advice :)


New Member
Hey everyone,

So I have had leos for about a year and a half and I say I am pretty good at caring for them. Recently I have found myself thinking of cresties alot. At first i didn't like the way they looked at all but lately they seem to be growing on me...this truly is an addiction! :)

Anyway I just wanted to know how different Cresties are compared to Leos in terms of care? Do they have different temp and habitat requirements? If so then what? Do they tend to be more difficult to keep healthy and require closer care and attention? Do they have different diet requirements?



Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
very different

they are very easy to care for.

they are fairly hardy from my experience with them

they need a more tall of a enclosure since they are arboreal. they dont require heat, and do not tolerate temps above 85 well. they need to be misted daily and have plenty of stuff to climb on in their enclosure. they need to be fed Crested Gecko diet no baby food at all its a NO NO with cresties, you can feed insects if you wish but Crested Gecko diet is complete for them. I suggest no loose substrate with them i use papertowels its easy to clean and maintain and no worries about them eatting it when they strike for insects or whatever. They need about 60-70 percent humidity but they do need dry times during the day otherwise you have the chance of mold in the cage. keep smaller babies in small kritter keepers and move them up in size when they grow. if you keep a small gecko in a big cage it will not do good with all the space and likely wouldn't find its food and such. this is just a quick thing about them and their basic care

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