Am I ready to get a Crested Gecko?


New Member
Hello everyone, I have been researching Leopard Geckos a lot lately. A few weeks ago I found out about these: "Crested Geckos" and they attracted a lot of attention to me. They a have a very unique look. So I have been researching Crested Geckos since then and now their basic care. This is what I know about them. They need a tall terrarium such as the ones made by Exo-Terra. They require some humidity 70% ~ and can dry out to 50% before another misting and require room temperature 70-80 degrees. Their diet can be exclusively Repashy's Crested Gecko Diet or CGD with crickets once a week, I am going to do an all CGD diet cause I hate those nasty little turds people call 'crickets'. I also found what looks to be a *complete* Crested Gecko setup and is sold by PangeaReptile a reputable breeder and distributor of Repashy's GCD anyway do you guys think the set up is good? Here is the link: Complete Crested Gecko Set Up. I am most likely going to buy my Crested from a local breeder here in Virginia, there pets look healthy. I haven't seen their Crested because they are hiding, I contacted them asking what they feed them to make sure they aren't using something wrong anyway any advice for a 'soon to be' noob Crested owner? Sorry I talk a lot xD.
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