Am I using the right stuff?


New Member
United Kingdom
So I brought home my new boy on Saturday, he's 3 years old and had to be rehomed as he wasn't getting the attention he needed. His previous owners gave me all of their supplies, crickets, Nutrobal, Repti-Calcium, and I bought some Bug Grub today. I've switched him to mealworms as they're my preferred choice. My question is, I gutload the mealies on bug grub, and when I get them out to feed to Leo I sprinkle them with Nutrobal, but is the Repti-Calcium needed as well? I know this sounds like such a ridiculous questions but I guess i'm only asking for peace of mind!
Thanks guys smile emoticon


Techie; Leo enthusiast
Virginia, USA

It's a good idea to alternate between Nutrobal and the calci-powder with every feeding, or use the calcium four days a week and Nutrobal three times a week. Though, I'd actually recommend you check out Repashy Calcium Plus -- it's a great all-in-one supplement. If you opt to purchase it, you won't need other supplements. Continue to gutload the mealworms, though, of course.

Cheers! :D

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