Amelanistic Fat Tail losing pattern at maturity?


New Member
Hello all, I haven't posted in these forums in quite some time, but I've noticed a substantial change in my female amelanistic fat tail gecko over the past couple months. Her colors have dimmed significantly, going from the more typical banded orange/lavender (It looks lavender to me at least) to a completely patternless lavender color. I honestly cannot tell where her bands even used to be. Her eyes are also jet black, with bright blue eyelids, which I find interesting and don't think is typical.

At first I thought it was due to a temperature change, but after having her heat pad bumped up for the last month and realizing that her heat pad and the heat pad for my Leopard gecko are on the same heat pad regulator, I began to realize that's probably not the situation. My leopard gecko is a RAPTOR morph and has shown no dimming of colors whatsoever.

Here are a couple poor quality pictures taken from my camera phone, I will be able to take pictures with my girlfriend's camera later tonight most likely, but my curiosity could not wait that long. I just had to post and get some opinions on this.



What do you guys think? Am I completely wrong about the temperature being accurate? Is there something else I'm doing wrong? Or is she just really a beautiful gem and everything is fine?

Any and all questions/comments welcome! Thanks for your time :)


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
amel fat tails lose their patterns when they breed. i have some that still have their patterns (and are semi-old) but i have never bred them.

your temps are probably fine, as long as your are providing a temp gradient and a humid hide.

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