Ammit's at it again :)

New Member
Sunny Scotland
So last night Ammit made a mess of her viv with the lay box. I put in a tub of vermiculite but cut a hole in the side of the tub ( yeh i know now that was not a great idea ) anyways vermiculite everywhere . . . so i cleaned it all up when she seemed to have stopped digging only to get up this morning and find it in the same state withe her still trying to dig. Im so excited. I cant wait for the eggs to hatch. This will be her third clutch. The second in incubating now to hatch sometime in the next week. She is a first time breeder but she is really going for it :D

Im going crazy waiting. How do you guys do it ?

New Member
Sunny Scotland
Yep she has laid them now. Seems like you blink and you miss it. I never saw the first or second clutch being laid and only caught the second egg in this one. She is just sitting there with her eggs looking at me as if to say . . . you just try it. Im onto you lol

Think i may just loose it before any of the eggs hatch. Wonder how may leo breeders are actually crazy from the wait . . .


v Snowflake v
Think i may just loose it before any of the eggs hatch. Wonder how may leo breeders are actually crazy from the wait . . .

Seems like a lot! Have you heard the breeders in these forums?

I keed I keed....

New Member
Sunny Scotland
Well i finally got the eggs off her and i think they are duds. well im sure they are. They are really soft, i can't pick them up they are that soft. I candled them and there is a bright yellow glow.


Thats the best pic i could get. They are both the same.

Do you think the eggs are soft because she is not geting enough calcium ? I dust her food at every feeding just now ( although she stopped eating for a little bit before she laid) and also have a dish in the viv with her, or is it more likly that its just because she is a first time breeder ?


New Member
In my opinion its because she is a first time breeder.... I have had one of my females lay a huge egg then a set of two that were joined... They were duds but her first one is going strong....
Out of all my females here is how they rank: Lola 2 eggs, blush 2 eggs, shifty 3 eggs, muffin 2 egg(only proven breeder and we were told she only lays 1 egg at a time).... And all but 4 have gone bad..... At least we got a good egg from each female :)

New Member
Sunny Scotland
This is Ammits 3rd clutch. The first looked good but i did not incubate because i was not prepared ( i bought her when she was gravid and ready to drop) The second clutch are fertile and i hope they will hatch out in the next week or so, and both of the eggs in the third clutch are duds. So really i think she is doing pretty well given that she is a first timer and prolly should not have been bred 'til next year ( previous owner thought he had all females )

Cant wait to see what hatches though because i know nothing of the pairing other than what Ammit is and even then i have been told two diff things :S she is either a hypo which i was told on here or a tremper hybino ? which i was corrected on whn i posted saying i thought she was a hypo lol

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