And for my senior research paper...

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
I have to write a senior research paper. I've elected to write about abortion in the United States. First and foremost, if this is an inappropriate place to ask, say so. I am supposed to gather opinions and arguments and write about them and argue against them if I see it fit.



Well..... I'm ready to insert my foot into my mouth.

WARNING: Frank opinion and mild frustration follows.

I don't think that abortion should be viewed as a form of birth control, but more of a eugenics issue. Incest, rape and otherwise non-functioning children or births that might kill the parent are acceptable to me. Not that I think less of other who disagree.

I was raised in a religious family and do believe that is it has it's own heartbeat, that is is a living creature.

But it's odd, because I believe in the death sentence and euthanasia, but those are based on the individual's choices and not against what one would consider "innocent".

Well, to wrap it up: I think most people shouldn't have the right to end a life for the reason of "I don't want a baby"..... like whining about their own decisions. I mean, how hard is it to put on a condom? But I digress...

People should have to deal with the repercussions from their actions.

Don't jump off a cliff if you don't want to fall...... don't do the crime if you can't do the time, don't skip the rubber if you can't have the child.

If I have offended you, I'm not sorry. This is only my opinion and I don't judge you for yours.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
No offense taken here. It's a debate in society, not a roast :D

I personally am pro choice. Even though I'm a guy, and therefore cannot myself have an abortion, I would still leave that option to whoever wants one. It's the womans body and she can do what she pleases with it, even if she has to feel guilt for the rest of her life.


New Member
Washington, DC
I really like your view on it, carpetgnome. That makes a lot of sense to me. Personally, I haven't thought about it too much, other than to say there are definitely times when it is called for (non-survivable or debilitating birth defects, health problems/ possible mortality of the mother and/or infant, etc.) Plus- if you make it illegal, people will still try to get it done. Then we have Dirty Dancing type scenarios with very unsafe practices which could possible loose the mother, too, not just the child. At least if they go to a clinic the people there will have proper technique and counseling (either way- keeping or not, that's a lot of heartache, plus all the trickiness of adoption).

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