Animals on the mind, awake or not


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
I know this is random but I just felt the need to share. So i'm obsessed with animals (i know, shocking lol) & I used to have a lot of large constrictors including a female green anaconda (my all time fav snake), but she died b/c of a severe respiratory infection that she had when i purchased her. So, after that happen it kind of left me gunshy with Condas in general for awhile but that little seed was still there growing somewhere in my head. Well, lately it's been on my mind more and more & last night in the midst of my power outage problems I had the most vivid dream of owning a huge Green Anaconda. The strangest parts were A)She had laid eggs (which condas don't do lol), B)her cage was some sort of weird one that was built upon the balcony of my old apartment (yeah, don't ask mind is just crazy lol), so one day I come home at night & was checking out the snake & such and the Conda whigged out completely & intentionallys started tearing apart the cage to the point where the whole thing fell apart, spilling water everywhere & the she escaped into the wilderness. At the end of the dream before I woke up I was being questioned by the police (people were outside when it happened apparently) and they were fining me for owning one in the first place (which i don't even think they could do in my state, as far as I know we don't have any regulations on non-venomous, non-native snakes) and I was pleading for the cops to help me find her & all they told me was if she's found she'll be shot. Then I woke up very confused & disoriented, questioning my sanity b/c it was so vivid.

Like I said, random.....thanks for indulging the twilight zone that is my mind :)


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
thats insane..... i had one of the most strangest and realistic dreams i ever had, last night. im friends with one of the largest breeders of ball pythons and in my dream i was staying at the same hotel as him because of an expo. i was driving through the parking lot and started to find all these ball pythons and bermese pythons... really expesive ones... any way i started grabbing them and didnt know that any other breeders were in the hotel. i came to find out they were all his from some bins that got open. i had to give them back and the was mad at me for a while because he thought i took them knowing they were his.... yeah it was wierd and thats just crazy that mine was last night too hahahahah


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
thats insane..... i had one of the most strangest and realistic dreams i ever had, last night. im friends with one of the largest breeders of ball pythons and in my dream i was staying at the same hotel as him because of an expo. i was driving through the parking lot and started to find all these ball pythons and bermese pythons... really expesive ones... any way i started grabbing them and didnt know that any other breeders were in the hotel. i came to find out they were all his from some bins that got open. i had to give them back and the was mad at me for a while because he thought i took them knowing they were his.... yeah it was wierd and thats just crazy that mine was last night too hahahahah

Hahaha, yeah i'm still wondering what the hell was going through my mind that night. Great minds think alike bro! lol

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