anole help


New Member
Do i need a uav/uvb light if my anole cage is right near a window
its pretty humid in my cage but wat exact humidity does it need to be its around 80% now and is jungle bed ok for my green anole

0.0.1 green anole 0.1.0 leo 1.0.0 half human half monkey brother


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Not all anole species require UVB, it really varies per species. If it is the standard green anole, yes it will require it. Windows are made to filter out UVB, so little to no actually comes through. But do be careful having them by a window if direct sunlight can hit the tank, it can over heat so do watch the temps.

Matt K

New Member
near Flower Mound
I have 19 species of Anole, and they all seem to need the UV light. Some can survive without it, but they wont grow very well or breed without it. Kinda like a human can survive locked in a closet for 15 years, but does alot better if it can get outside sometimes.... ;) but seriously, I would get the light just to be sure you are providing everything the Anole needs. Regardless of thier ecomorph they all bask in the sun at some point.

Also, most windows that are older do not filter UV at all. Most newer windows do filter UV to a point and are made to do so, but they do not filter out very much at all. Kinda like taking a UVB10.0 bulb and filtering it to a 7.0 or 5.0 ....still enough UV gets through for most reptiles that would make use of it.

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