Another gender question...


New Member
Southern California
So I have a 17g TSM that I find to have very small pores and no bulges while others at his age/weight already are clearly male. I incubated at 88 and just checked my incubator's temperature a few minutes ago, and it's at 89. Which I'm not worried about.

Bonfire, the gecko in question...

But Boo and Banshee (17g and hatched same day) both show male...Picture of Banshee (since Boo is too squirmy)...

And Bonsai (15g and hatched a few days later)...looking male to me...

Now I do realize that there's a chance that Bonfire could develop more, and I realize that there's not a 100% chance it'll be male at these temperatures. But how should I advertise it as? Should I still say TSM or say "possible female" or both? "He" was a holdback for my fiance, but he was expecting a male. Fiance's also leaning more towards a possible giant that I'll be getting on Friday, so whether or not Bonfire is male or female will depend on if s/he's sold or not. If Bonfire is female, I already have a buyer lined up.


New Member
Southern California
And decided to take "macro" pics of the others 10g and up...
Bristol (14g)...looks male, right?

Yet another "male", Bourbon (16g)...

And lastly, Buttons (10g)...I do not expect to get an answer this soon on the gender of this one, but was taking pictures of the others and decided to try this one just to see what it would look like on a large computer screen lol Since I doubt any of the others under 10g will show anything, I stopped at Buttons.


Ridgewood, NJ
All look male to me except the 10g one. He may need a bit more time to grow before you can really tell. Bonfire also looks to have faint pores but 17g is a bit early too - I think most folks say you can really tell over 20g. Nice pictures!


New Member
Southern California
Thank you Lisa. I was 99.999999% sure on the others, just not Bonfire. lol I'll hold onto Bonfire for a bit longer to be sure, then put her/him up for sale (or give to fiance). John's mainly wanting the possible giant male that I'll be getting hopefully this Friday (depending on temperatures), but he told me last night that if Bonfire turns out female, he'll want both. Which is kind of a bummer since I did have a buyer lined up for almost any females that I produce....
And yeah, didn't think I'd be able to see what Buttons was, but thought I'd take a picture anyways. The others are simply too small and squirmy (was afraid I'd hurt them if I restrained too roughly...most are used to walking onto my hand, though) so I stopped with Buttons.
Thanks for the picture compliment....I just love my camera :D

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