One of my 2 1/2 year old females laid her first set of eggs for me (bought her a few months ago) 3 days ago. she dropped them in the middle of the cage (which made me think they would be infertile at first), and they started to dent a bit from drying out i assume, but i found them within an hour after she laid them, and stuck them in some moist vermiculite anyways. they are now moist, but are still a bit dented, but i candled them and there was definitely red veins in there. Now they have started to get a little bit of hairy white mold on them. Any ideas of what to do. It seems like the eggs are fertile and may do okay, but they are not firm like the other eggs i have had (they are easily mis-shaped when picking them up). I really want to try to save these because they will be my first patternless, so any help would be appretiated. Ill post a picture of them soon.