Another question, this time about poop, shedding and behavior


New Member
United States
Gosh, I feel like every other post on this board is from me right now. Sorry, I'm asking so many questions right now, but sometimes there are no answers to be found with Google.

Anyway, about my male again, Masterchief (Mc). I came home from the store a couple of hours ago, and the whole room stank horribly. Didn't take me long to figure out that it was coming from Mc's tank, and from a clearly fresh poop in a different corner than usual. His poop has never smelled like this before, or had an odor at all really! I cleaned it up, and his regular poop corner too. I have never cleaned up fresh poop before, so I don't know if it's normal or not, but it was soft. I couldn't pick it up really, it just kinda smeared all over the tile and my glove. Is it always like that? Usually the poop I pick up is very dry.
Could it be from all the changes, the mealworms now, the Repashy, the pure calcium, the changes in the entire setup?

Second question. Mc went through a shed about three days ago, maybe four. He has never been a huge fan of the moist hide, so sometimes I help him get the rest of the dead skin off, he seems to greatly appreciate that. Anyway, it's almost all gone now, but there is still skin along the underside of his tail. Just his tail, but the entire length. Obviously I don't want to mess with that, and he doesn't like me messing with his tail either. How can I help him get that off? He does enjoy getting misted with water, just not on his tail. Would a bath help, even though I still can't peel the skin off for him?

And lastly, a behavior question. How can I tell if Mc is just really really mellow or rather lethargic? Mc was very easy to hand tame early on, and he has always enjoyed being handled, but he always hated getting touched from above, you know, head or back. He didn't want to be petted.
Now tonight, after cleaning out the smelly poop from his tank, I picked him up to check on the skin on his tail, and for one, he just let me pick him up (there's usually a split second of "What the..???" and then he realizes it's me and relaxes), but he also just sat in/on my hand, holding on to my fingers (most of the time he climbs around on me, sometimes he just sits there, but not like that), I could hold him up, bend him back slightly and gently to check the underside of his tail, and the only time he got squirmy was when I tried to touch the dead skin on his tail. And then I petted/rubbed his head, and he did not move. He closed his eyes with every stroke, kinda like a dog or a cat, so I'm not sure if that means he simply enjoyed it?
I have never had leos before, I don't know how tame they get, and what that looks like. I'm not an expert on leo body language yet.
He is eating and sleeping and walking around his tank. He *seems* to be a bit less active, but it's hard to tell now that the heatlamp is gone, it's very dark in there at night and I can't really see him, or tell what he's doing.

Does that sound like a sick gecko, or simply a content gecko?
I'm going to take him to the Vet, just to get checked out all over to make sure he's all healthy, but the question is, how urgent is it?
My regular Vet has a reptile expert on staff, but she's only there on certain days. Also, will that stress him out a lot, going to the Vet? And what is the best way to transport him there?

This was really long, I apologize, but as I said, sometimes Google fails, and I didn't find anything on those issues on here either.

I saw that there is a questionnaire that you're supposed to fill out before posting in this section, so here it is:

About your leo:
- Sex male
- Age & Weight approximately one year, 38g as of a few days ago
- How long have you owned your leo roughly 7-8 months
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend) pet store

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo daily or every other day
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now. explained in detail above
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. none
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal) looks the same, but the last one stank awfully
- When was the last time he/she went a few hours ago
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on everything in detail above

A) Enclosure
- Size 20 gallon/long
- Type (ex. glass tank) glass tank
- Type of substrate slate with a thin layer of repti sand underneath
- Hides, how many, what kind two right now, one on warm side, moist hide kinda in the middle
B) Heating
- Heat source uth
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) 110/71
- Method of regulating heat source looking for a thermostat right now
- What are you using to measure your temps Nubee temp gun
- Do you have any lights (describe) none
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females) none
- Describe health, or previous problems n/a

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much) crickets, giant mealworms, daily, 6-10 mealworms, 3 crickets, about to switch to regular mealworms and Dubias
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect) dish
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands) Repashy Calcium Plus, pure calcium
- What are you gut loading food with ​chicken crumble, oats, cricket food, carrots

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