Another Rescue-Some help



I did it again I went into petsmart tonight for some waxworms, and well I saw this little guy in a tank and my heart melted it was in a 10 gallon with others it's size but there was only 1 hide and it was a VERY small one and no water dish at all, this is WHY people should stay away from these places!! lol

I think it's going to be ok though it only looks to be about 1-2 weeks old maybe? Of course I don't know the sex and I know it's albino but I'm thinking tremper maybe? Any ideas?


I'll try right now, I know you tell by the eye right? I thought about that while taking these pics ill see what I can do.


Ok I got a semi better pic, we also noticed something this baby has webbed toes on it's right foot? is that a genetic issue?


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
the webbing I would guess would be either genetic or incubation issues though Ive never seen any anything like that.

Looks like a tremper to me, but thats just my guess.

Good luck with him/her and get your waxworms online so you don't have to deal with these places. I would not even buy feeders at petco/smart.

I did buy fish there once and that even went sour!


Well I normally ALWAYS buy online but I ran out today and the vet advised me to feed my gecko that wasn't eating so good a few here and there until he goes in tomorrow otherwise I wouldn't have went in, look what happens when I do! lol


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Id of just skipped the waxies to be honest, they carry no nutritional value to speak of and can be addictive so that a leo will refuse other food that is good for them.

I fed out waxies 4 times a year last year and once this year. They are like gecko chocolate, nothing but a junky treat.

If you have a problem eater, Id try to find the issue causing the problem instead of poor food items.

This time of year it is honestly natural to slow down or stop eating with the day/night cycle changing and low temps in the cage changing, its common. Unless there is a weight loss of severl grams it not a big deal this time of year.


Well this is what the herp vet told me to do over the phone so I'm sticking by it, I haven't fed him more than 4 this week and a few phoneix worms. Also he has dropped weight and that is why I'm taking him to vet tomorrow.


What Mandi is feeding wax worms is for the blazin blizzard male i bought her. He has not eating good since we have had him. Sometimes i can scent mealworms with waxworms, and he eats them. WE know wax worms are not a good staple deit, but at this point, or until tomorrow, this is our only shot. He has lost around 10grams, we will have this resolved tomorrow. Now back on topic about this little girl we got tonight... Im leaning towards bell.. not sure though...


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I'm going with Tremper.

P.S. I'm sure you have heard this before, but if you continue to buy geckos that are in poor condition then the company keeps making money. So why would they change what they are doing if they are getting away with poor conditions. If you complain about it and threaten to call animal rights maybe they will give it to you. I have heard of this actually working before but each store is different. I'm not trying to get on my soap box, but they simply will not learn their lesson if people buy ill animals from them.

In any case good luck with the newbie. ;)


I agree.. we got her for half price.. the overall health of her is fine. She just wasnt housed properly.


Stitch said:
I'm going with Tremper.

P.S. I'm sure you have heard this before, but if you continue to buy geckos that are in poor condition then the company keeps making money. So why would they change what they are doing if they are getting away with poor conditions. If you complain about it and threaten to call animal rights maybe they will give it to you. I have heard of this actually working before but each store is different. I'm not trying to get on my soap box, but they simply will not learn their lesson if people buy ill animals from them.

In any case good luck with the newbie. ;)

I agree with you on that very much, but I have a big heart and when I think of what could happen to it, it tears me up. I think Mike is going to ban me from going into any pet store again. LOL


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I'm pretty sure he/she is not a Bell.

If the pupils go black it's most likely a RW. The best way to see if it's black is too look straight into the face, nose to nose, where you can see both eyes. Some Tremper eyes will darken and look black but when you look strait at the face the pupils seem to glow a deep red. It's hard to explain, but once you see it, you'll understand. I think it'd due to the angle, and the way light reflects off the eyes.

Nose to nose is just direction of face, don't touch nose to nose..... :)


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
GeckoMandi said:
Well this is what the herp vet told me to do over the phone so I'm sticking by it, I haven't fed him more than 4 this week and a few phoneix worms. Also he has dropped weight and that is why I'm taking him to vet tomorrow.

Id of used Marcias slurry before waxies, a lot more nutrition but I doubt many vets know about her receipe and how many leos it has helped.

Are you using Avian and Exotic's in Raleigh?


dragonflyreptiles said:
Id of used Marcias slurry before waxies, a lot more nutrition but I doubt many vets know about her receipe and how many leos it has helped.

Are you using Avian and Exotic's in Raleigh?
I tried him on that 2 days ago, and I didn't want to force feed him. He would lick a few times and then go back into his hide, I tried this god I know 20 times for 2 days and he wouldn't take it.

Raleigh is 4 hours from me! lol I'm going to Epstein, Mark DVM - Forestbrook Total Bond Vet (704) 867-8318 3200 Union Rd, Gastonia. Only about 10 minutes from me couldn't even believe I found one that close!


BalloonzForU said:
I'm pretty sure he/she is not a Bell.

If the pupils go black it's most likely a RW. The best way to see if it's black is too look straight into the face, nose to nose, where you can see both eyes. Some Tremper eyes will darken and look black but when you look strait at the face the pupils seem to glow a deep red. It's hard to explain, but once you see it, you'll understand. I think it'd due to the angle, and the way light reflects off the eyes.

Nose to nose is just direction of face, don't touch nose to nose..... :)
Thanks, I don't mind waiting to see what she turns into just curious ya know? I have a rainwater and I already thought her eyes look like rainy's close up.


Happy Gecko Family
GeckoMandi said:
I tried him on that 2 days ago, and I didn't want to force feed him. He would lick a few times and then go back into his hide, I tried this god I know 20 times for 2 days and he wouldn't take it.

Why don't you try take him out from his tank? When I need to feed mine Marcia's slurry, I do take them out from their tank and put them on a table. Just put a small drop on his lip, he should start licking, and once the licking starts, you can feed him slowly drop by drop. It takes time, I know, sometimes it takes a while for the stubborn ones to stick their tongue out, and they might smutch their mouths on everything to get the slurry off. But patience is the key, I guess. :)

Edit: I only feed mine once a day though.


gothra said:
Why don't you try take him out from his tank? When I need to feed mine Marcia's slurry, I do take them out from their tank and put them on a table. Just put a small drop on his lip, he should start licking, and once the licking starts, you can feed him slowly drop by drop. It takes time, I know, sometimes it takes a while for the stubborn ones to stick their tongue out, and they might smutch their mouths on everything to get the slurry off. But patience is the key, I guess. :)

Edit: I only feed mine once a day though.

Well I've tried it all! lol I mean I really have with him! I took him to the vet and you can read it in the health section. ;)

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