Any Difference between a Sunglow and Hybino? Or is it just the name.....



Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :D I just want to find out if there is any difference between the two- Sunglow and Hybino? I am in the market for some newer Morphs and I want to make sure I am not getting both just to find out they are one in the same. So Please explain what these two beauties are? Also if there is any difference please explain why? Thank you very much, Deb ;)

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Essentially, the Hybino and the Sunglow are the same. The original Hybino was created by Ray Hine when he crossed his SHCT with Tremper albinos. Since then, SHTCT's have been crossed into all three albino strains and are often referred to as HY(po) (al)BINOs as well.

The Sunglow, on the other hand, is said to not have the Ray Hine gene and was dubbed by Craig Steward (Urban Gecko) as a 'new' morph... but are in reality just another HYpo-alBINO. Alberta from A&M has his version which he calls the HyGlow.

Then there are breeders like me who have crossed Hybinos with Sunglows and messed up everything! Hmmm... perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon and call these beautiful morphs something that will put my name on the map of 'new' morphs, too!. (Yeah, right...)

Ian S.

Active Member
LOL sounds like a great idea!!
Happy thanks giving Marcia,Deborah and all!!
I want in on that project:greedy: ....OOH...OOH,we can call it the MAR t IAN.:alien:
:blush: :wacko:
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Leo Addict
Las Vegas NV
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Essentially, the Hybino and the Sunglow are the same. The original Hybino was created by Ray Hine when he crossed his SHCT with Tremper albinos. Since then, SHTCT's have been crossed into all three albino strains and are often referred to as HY(po) (al)BINOs as well.

The Sunglow, on the other hand, is said to not have the Ray Hine gene and was dubbed by Craig Steward (Urban Gecko) as a 'new' morph... but are in reality just another HYpo-alBINO. Alberta from A&M has his version which he calls the HyGlow.

Then there are breeders like me who have crossed Hybinos with Sunglows and messed up everything! Hmmm... perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon and call these beautiful morphs something that will put my name on the map of 'new' morphs, too!. (Yeah, right...)

So Criag states that his Sunglow have no infleunce from Ray Hine? He's a quote from his site
We have selectively bred the albino, super-hypomelansitic, carrot tail and our own tangerine bloodline into one incredible gene pool to produce what has been described as the most remarkable Leopard Gecko available today.
This really confuses me I always thought it was Ray Hine's SHCT and some SHT line mixed with Tremper albinos. I know that Alberto and Tremper state thiers are just line bred Trempers.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Xavier, IMO every carrot-tail has some Hine genes, so in essence, ALL hybinos, sunglows, hyglows, and super tang albinos are line bred regardless of the albino strain.


Leo Addict
Las Vegas NV
I would agree on that Marcia, I guess my question was based toward if Craig stated his aren't from that line regardless if its true or not. I suppose do that it really doesn't matter.

Ian S.

Active Member
Craig's Leos are most definately from the Hines hypo. I'm pretty sure it used to say so on his old web site. Iregaurdless he's also most definately bred enough generations to coin them his own remarkable line. Although all this time and no postings of the infamous Tangerine Tornados?
Hmmmm :main_huh:
If I had some leos looking like the ones on his site I'd be flashing those babies all mardi gras like. Wonder whats going on??
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A&M Gecko

New Member
The Sunglow, on the other hand, is said to not have the Ray Hine gene and was dubbed by Craig Steward (Urban Gecko) as a 'new' morph... but are in reality just another HYpo-alBINO. Alberta from A&M has his version which he calls the HyGlow.

Hey Marcia
I think I am still a boy, lol, Alberta?
Also I agree with you that they are all the same but I would not make a confusion with my hyglo, that is a super tangerine albino but none of my hyglo have hypo genes. Is what I called super hyglo which are the same as hybinos.

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