anyone breed waxies?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Or do you just order them? I was going to try it a few months ago and read up on it, as some of my worms were changing to moths, and I thought I did everything right, but I guess maybe I didn't wait long enough for the eggs to hatch or something. Anyhow, despite them being refridgerated, some are changing again so I thought to give it another go. If anyone's breeding them can you give me some tips? Or a good link?


New Member
Central California
I tried it a few times with moderate success. I think somehow not letting the food dry out would be important. Mostly, though, I found them to be escape artists and I am still finding little pupae in weird places in the gecko room.

I've decided that it is really just not worthwhile, though as they are just so fatty. Most of my geckos like silkworms almost as much (ok, well they don't come running, but they like silkies) as they like waxworms and silkworms are easier to raise and much healthier for the geckos.

Okay, now I feel like the mom that only lets her kids eat fruit for desert! ;)


I tried it a few times. Only once did I get any wax worms from it... like 5 wax worms made it to feeding size, and I started with 50 moths. since I ended up in the negative every time I didnt try it again. And I had a friend who tried to breed them in a 10 gallon with a screen top. All the moths got out and started breeding in the mealworm bins. I got some mealworms from him one time when I was watching his geckos and ended up finding moths in my room every night for like 3 months. I think ive finally got the problem under control. I do sometimes find pupa on the edges of the mealworm bins every once in a while, which I feed to my fish.

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